WordPress: tags with commas and other / custom taxonomies

My general problem was: no commas in WP tags allowed

E.g. the tag

“Fox, Peter”

is not really allowed as a propper tag in wordpress – the reason ? The “add a tag to your post”-form adds the tags “comma separated”, which means such a tag like ours here

ends up as 2 tags: “Fox” and “Peter”

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my new #wp #theme extend #Blogum by @wpshower found on @brianbuirge s thesis blog via @GoodDsgnAdvice

Weeks ago I was [again] looking for some clean nice new fresh WP theme I could use for this blog. And again all my search via google + “clean|simple wp theme top list” had no really useful results. Yes, many nice themes, many, oh so many, but if you are too picky you’re never really happy and you start again thinking about doing it completely from scratch by yourself and then you remember how long it took last time until you were finally happy and … Continue reading “my new #wp #theme extend #Blogum by @wpshower found on @brianbuirge s thesis blog via @GoodDsgnAdvice”